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Wifi Shield – Material to block Wifi

Wifi Shield – Material To Block WiFi

Your safety from radiation and identity theft are the topics we are going to speak of today. In daily life right now our personal laptops designed to make our lives easier, could actually be hurting our sexual health. Much worse, for a pregnant woman, the same Wi-Fi radiation can even be affecting her unborn child.

When you think it could not get any worse, there are people walking around with technological reader designed to read your magnetic strips on your credit cards, and steal your identity. The question quickly becomes, “How do you protect yourself?”

Wifi Shield

Wifi ShieldThe answer is Nasafes EMFshield. What is this wonderful material? The material is made with copper and nickel filaments that are extremely conductive, and will block EMF rays. Therefore, what does this mean for you? Well, by applying this material to your wallet, or within your purse the card readers will not be able to access your credit cards. See the rfid credit card holder. Moreover, if you apply this material over your prostate, or lay it up on your baby bump you will protect yourself from harmful Wi-Fi radiation while your laptop is in direct contact with you.

These sheets are easily resizable to conform to the size that you need, however, do come as a 36″x42″ (3 foot by 3-1/2 foot) perfect for a under blanket of a crib. In addition, these sheets can also be used to line walls of a work place or home as well.


Emf Protection Fabric - BIG Size - 36.2 X 42.4 inches - Magnetic Shielding - Block Wifi - EMF Fabric - RFID - Anti Radiation - Conductive Fabric - Copper and Nickle - Very Thin 0.03 inches - 6In the world, that has many necessities, but also with those necessities, side effects that can cause harm it is great to know we now have protection. Wi-Fi shield is that protection, as it protects our sexual health, and that of our innocent, unborn child. However, it still does more, as there are people out there with technology configured to steal our identity and money.

Therefore, with a simple adapting of the shield to have it act as a blanket for wallet, or in your purse, it will protect your money and identity. This simple piece of copper, nickel, and polyester becomes your security blanket for everything in your life.

By purchasing this product, you will be helping them help you keep you safe. After being a long-time computer users, and knowing the risks, we have found that Nasafes shielding fabric is probably the best alternative on the market to protect against Wi-Fi-radiation. After you have your Wi-Fi Shield, your shields will be fully charged, and ready for an attack.

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