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emf radiation

Top 3 plants against EMF radiation

Studies have shown that plants, specific ones can absorb radiation in the environment like the EMFs we have around us. They can’t totally defend against EMFs they just mitigate it through absorption. They can help make your home look nicer while providing a healthier environment with less EMFs too. How do plants help with radiation? […]

What is 5g radiation and is it dangerous?

What is 5g and is it dangerous?

To 5G or to not 5G, that is the question. 5G is on the way! 5G is nearly here and there are safety concerns be considered. 5G will deliver 20 times the speed of 4G Networks. This allows you to receive information nearly in real time with an estimated one millisecond of lag, an amazing […]

EMF Radiation from Neighbour

How To Handle Phone Radiation Coming From Next Door EMF radiation or phone radiation is something that you do have to deal with when you are in very confined apartment buildings or offices. You might not realize it, but this radiation can cause problems for you that will wreck your sleep and get in the […]