How to clean Grounding Sheet? Washing Recommendation

Heard about grounding but not sure whether it will work for you or not. A lot of people who come to us asking about our grounding products experience a similar dilemma! They are unsure about its effectiveness and health benefits, considering this is an alternative wellness therapy. However, over the years several studies have been […]
While medical science has advanced in the past decade with the advent of miracle drugs and procedures, a lot of people are in search of natural ways to improve their sleep and overall health and well-being. One way to do that is by using grounding sheets. Grounding or earthing involves connecting with the Earth’s natural […]
Grounding or earthing has emerged as a great alternative healing technique for treating insomnia, inflammation, anxiety, and likewise. In recent years, many have embraced grounding to improve their health and overall well-being. There are multiple ways you can do that. You can walk barefoot on the grass, lie on the ground for some time, wade […]
Are you suffering from insomnia? Want to improve the overall state of your health? We have the perfect solution for you in the form of grounding sheets. These sheets connect you to the Earth’s natural electrical charge, which has multiple health benefits. According to recent studies, grounding sheets promote better sleep and reduce inflammation among […]