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The Benefits of Grounding Earthing Bed Sheets

Are you looking for a way to improve your sleep and overall health? Look no further than grounding earthing bed sheets! What is grounding or earthing? Earthing is the practice of connecting your body to the earth’s natural energy by walking barefoot outside or using special grounding products indoors. When you ground yourself, your body […]

Exploring the Health Benefits of Grounding

A study showing that grounding helps regulate circadian rhythms is Gaétan Chevalier et al.’s Effects of Grounding on Inflammation, Immune Response, Wound Healing, Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases. Published in the Journal of Inflammation Research in 2015, the study found that grounding can improve sleep and regulate circadian rhythms by lowering […]

The Benefits of Running Barefoot

The benefits of running barefoot

There is little taboo surrounding running. Many people implore differing tactics to their training and this will differ across the many different types of running events you are training for. Defining the purpose of your running is as simple as reaching an end goal or having a final destination in mind. Along the way, we […]

Grounding Yourself

Learn How To Grounding Yourself What Is Grounding For Health & Well Being Do you feel like you’re not getting enough sleep at night? Do you suffer from insomnia? You can get self directed options that will help you get the proper amount of sleep at night. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation can lead to serious future […]