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Grounding Throw Kit, grounding Blanket, grounding Sheet for earthing, Improve Sleep with Clint Ober’s Earthing Products

Discover the transformative power of the Grounding Throw Kit. This kit includes an Earthing Grounding Blanket Throw, Coil Cord, Safety Adapter, and Outlet Tester. Made with a unique blend of organic cotton, polyester, and silver threads, it offers an effortless way to improve sleep and overall health. Test your wall outlet with the included Outlet Checker to ensure proper grounding, then connect the Coil Cord to the Safety Adapter and the grounding Throw. Wrap yourself in the blanket with the silver threads against your skin, and experience the remarkable benefits of indoor grounding. Plus, receive a FREE copy of ‘Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever.

Overall Rating


good quality, more like a grounding blanket

Experience a revolution in sleep quality and overall well-being with the Grounding Throw Kit, an innovative solution for improving your health without leaving the comfort of your home.

Unlock the Power of Grounding

Grounding is the practice of connecting with the Earth’s natural electron current, and it’s known to offer a wide range of health benefits. Just like walking barefoot on the Earth’s surface, grounding indoors through Ground Therapy products allows you to experience these remarkable advantages without the use of electricity.

Unique Grounding Materials

The Grounding Throw Kit is crafted with a special blend of materials designed for optimal conductivity and comfort. It comprises 29.5% organic cotton, 68.5% polyester, and 2% silver threads. These silver threads play a vital role in facilitating the flow of Earth’s electrons into your body, helping you reap the benefits of grounding effortlessly.

Easy Setup for Indoor Grounding

Getting started with indoor grounding is a breeze with the Grounding Throw Kit. Begin by testing your wall outlet using the included Outlet Checker to ensure it’s properly grounded. Next, connect one end of the Ground Therapy Coil Cord to your U.S. Safety Adapter and snap the other end onto the grounding Throw. As you wrap yourself in the cozy blanket with the silver threads against your skin, you’ll immediately establish a connection to the Earth’s energy, setting the stage for a transformative grounding experience.

Complete Kit for Your Well-Being

The Grounding Throw Kit is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance your overall health. It includes essential components such as the Earthing Grounding Blanket Throw, a Coil Cord with an in-line current limiting 100k ohm resistor (15′), a U.S. Safety Adapter, and an Outlet Tester. Moreover, as a special bonus, you’ll receive a FREE copy of ‘Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever,’ authored by the renowned grounding expert Clint Ober.

Clint Ober Official Grounding Products

The Grounding Throw Kit is part of Clint Ober’s official grounding product line, which is patent-protected and backed by a one-year manufacturer’s warranty. Experience the authenticity and quality assurance that come with products endorsed by the pioneer of grounding.

Unlock the potential for improved sleep, reduced stress, and enhanced well-being with the Grounding Throw Kit. Elevate your health and comfort with the transformative power of indoor grounding, and receive valuable insights from ‘Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever.