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Ground Cable with Anti Static Wrist Strap, Grounding Plug Connects You to The Earth, Grounding Wire, Ground Wire, Grounding Strap, Ground Strap, Grounding Bracelet for Easy Grounding



Grounding bracelet for the hand

Anyone looking for a simple grounding solution should definitely check out this grounding cable clip. The way it works is very simple and can provide grounding immediately. But before we look at how it works in detail, let’s look at the manufacturer of this computer wrist strap.

Nasafes has been producing high quality grounding and shielding products for years. It’s easy to explain why they do this. Because they can!. Your know-how in the field of shielding and grounding dates back a few years. Through personal reasons, the founder of Nasafes came up with the idea of ​​making grounding products to help people drain excess tension from the body.

This antistatic bracelet is the result of thoughtful engineering and provides the body with an instant grounding. To use, simply plug the connector into the outlet and connect the alligator clip to a desired object. This could be a grounding sheet, antenna, computer, or other piece of furniture.

A grounding bracelet is also included, with which you can ground your wrist. The spiral cable ensures that you have a full range of motion and can therefore move freely in space. The grounding cord is the easiest way to quickly establish grounding.
